Tuesday, May 26, 2015


In life, whenever you ask the question, "What would you like or want in life?" People would almost always wanted to answer, "I wanted to become successful." Most guru, teachers, leadership speakers and motivators would agree that there is no short cut to sucsess but there are ways, principles or laws as most of them call it that you can follow in order to become successful. One of the principles to ensure one can attain success came from Ralph Waldo Emmerson when he said, "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." But where does enthusiam comes from? Is it just merely a feeling or a part in us wired in the fiber of the human soul that you can just click whenever you want or like it? Given you can muster the sense of being enthusiastic whatever situation you are in, where else can you pull such a resource if ever you find yourself devoid of energy and seemingly could no longer go another distance or when the going gets rough and tough? I believe the answer to that question comes from the things we hold dear in life - from the things that inspire us.

But what is inspiration in the first place? My personal definition of it is, the things that we look up to and tightly held dear and treasure in our hearts and that we look forward to. It could be your family, your spouse, your children, your friends, the people you love, your future, the dreams and aspirations you have and so much more. At times, you might find yourself hitting rock bottom or at the worst kind of scenario. I had several worst things that happened in my life but trying to look back at them just makes me grateful to God at how I got out from each one of them. If ever you tried running a marathon, at certain points in your run, you will experience searing pain that would make you give up. At those times, quiting sounds a good option, a temptation which never leaves the mind. Then you would encourage yourself that you can do it or that you’re doing it for something or someone important to you. Now that’s what we call inspiration. It gives you a sense of elation, extra strength to go one more mile.

So whatever might be you’re going through right now, maybe you’re at your wits end or at the end of your rope. Fret not. For there’s always a way out in everything. After the night comes the morning light that shines brighter throughout the day.  

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