Tuesday, June 16, 2015

RELIGION: Intimacy with God


      There was not much written about this man in the Bible but the words that described him suffice it to explain why he was considered to be one of God’s beloveds and favorites. It was written, he ‘walked’ with God (Gen.5:21), meaning, he became so intimate with Him. So much so that the entire Heaven entreated him to be there in one whole piece, body, soul and spirit. So there he was taken up to heaven before his time here on earth ended (the first human who went to heaven without dying). God took him to be  with Him for he loved God so much and God likewise loved him much as well. He modeled how people should commune with God to become also His favorites and intimates.

     But what does it really mean to walk with God? We can’t over spiritualize this matter for it is as simple as literally walking with God. God commune with Mosses from time to time in Sinai, why can’t He not walk with Enoch from time to time? Imagine Enoch walking with God (and entirely not an imaginary friend) anytime and anywhere they agreed to meet.

      There was a story of a dear brother by the name of Lawrence who in his years of service and ministry for the Lord became unsatisfied in mere causal or ‘shallow’ relationship with the Lord in that he wanted to be more intimate with Him. So every day, he set a special time to commune with the Lord and just be with Him conversing or enjoying His presence. For months or even years, I may not get the whole story straight but he never failed to do this and one day Jesus showed himself up literally and told him if he would continue this kind of practice, He promised him that He’ll show Himself up every time he would commune with Him. He never failed even once to do this so Jesus continued to be with Him literally. God honors such insatiable thirst and hunger and will never ever leave it unquenched. That’s walking with God!

     Have you ever had a very close friend, the very best friend at that? Your communication is entirely different as compared with the ones you have with your ordinary friends and acquaintances, isn’t it? Your communication involves more of the nature of disclosures or the divulging of the important matters in life, secrets may be, major decisions and other intimate things. That’s how most probably the dialogue goes between Enoch and God. It is as if both their hearts became entwined as they share and reveal everything to each other. They became one that God made it a point that he should always be on His side forever, so He took him away with Him.

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